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Viera Berger
Elegant and Comfortable
Standing out with its modern and comfortable style, VIERA BARGEER stylishly complements living spaces inspired by contemporary design. While it provides ease of movement with its metal leg design with a hidden rotating mechanism, it also offers an elegant appearance. It makes daily life easier by providing practical cleaning opportunity thanks to its high foot forum.
Ref no ENZA-VIERA-BERGER in stock
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The Price of the product will change according to a demand of a different size, fabric and any other additional materials used.
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Elegant and Comfortable
Standing out with its modern and comfortable style, VIERA BARGEER stylishly complements living spaces inspired by contemporary design. While it provides ease of movement with its metal leg design with a hidden rotating mechanism, it also offers an elegant appearance. It makes daily life easier by providing practical cleaning opportunity thanks to its high foot forum.