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Berta Berger
Modern and Stylish Line
BERTA ARCHER, with its simple and elegant lines of modern style, attracts attention with its stylish and comfortable design. Combining a comfortable seating structure with metal arm and leg application, BERTA ARCHER brings a contemporary interpretation to decoration. It offers the advantage of practical use by providing ease of cleaning with its high foot form.
Ref no ENZA-BERTA-BERGER in stock
Rs.60,000 Rs.48,000
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The Price of the product will change according to a demand of a different size, fabric and any other additional materials used.
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Modern and Stylish Line
BERTA ARCHER, with its simple and elegant lines of modern style, attracts attention with its stylish and comfortable design. Combining a comfortable seating structure with metal arm and leg application, BERTA ARCHER brings a contemporary interpretation to decoration. It offers the advantage of practical use by providing ease of cleaning with its high foot form.